Saturday, February 18, 2012

WPPI 2012 Cheat Guide & Reviews - Who To See, How Much To Drink, Who To Avoid in 2012

As thousands of broke photographers descend into a drunken stupor over the following week, we should keep in mind there are a few who are actually in Las Vegas to learn a thing or two at the WPPI 2012 convention. Baby Jezuz knows. We at PZN and our chief sexy aren't one them.

So the information we're about to share is to help those that are kinda serious about getting their learn on. And also for those who want some scientific quantitative computational hard data for the bricks we drop on some of the speaker idiots that make it through the cracks. Thru the cracks of ass kissing, that is.

Last year we took a survey of the WPPI 2011 speaker performances to give a report card for attendees to use as an honest cheat guide to see who's worth our time while in Vegas. Cuz no one else will. And mainly because the organizers at WPPI give off the impression that they don't really give a shit about feedback. Just look at the some of the morons they allow to speak. As long as rent is paid. A profit is turned. And they can afford to do it next year. A large population of WPPI attendees will be newbs. In fact, every year WPPI bets on it. They want to draw the unquestioning type of herd. A herd they can control and excite. The cash cow, if you will.

Are we hard on WPPI? We have to be. We are paying consumers just like our own clients. If you are providing a service of education, make sure your educators are worth the price of admission and not just a profit margin of inspirational fillers.

Regardless of which attendee category you fall into, without further ado, the following are the results of some of the speakers from last year's attendees surveyed. Some speakers just didn't get any feedback at all. That blows, but maybe for the next survey. Until then, take a look at the report cards below. The people have spoken.

Our sexy Photogzilla calls this the...


*speakers are listed in ABC's by first name
*notable pros and cons follow each report card


"Well organized presentation"

(none submitted)


"Very willing to help"

"Plugging other and her own products constantly"
"Nonstop infomercial like product plugs"


"I will say he's confident."

"Full of himself"
"Shamelessly promoting himself and his B school"
"I could sum up his entire speech in about three sentences. 1. Befriend other photographers - it is a good thing 2. Network/promote your business to the friends/family of existing clients. 3. Hmmm..I think two was it, LOL! The two pieces of advice are good advice, but I have heard him say those things before on his blog at least 5+ times (probably more but I stopped reading his blog awhile back)."


"Educated in her field and has a great business plan..."
"Beth really understands her market, how to market, and how to photograph seniors. She has solid work, and a good understanding of how to create the upsell. Her presentation gave me a lot of ideas on how to improve my package offerings to increase sales."

"...that will really only work FOR HER. It was too specific and too tailored to her town that there was no logical way any metropolitan photographer would be able to emulate it."
"Would have liked a better explanation of how she created her packages and determined her pricing structure."


"Bobbi was very enthusiastic about the subject material"
"super funny"
"the were sincere, endearing"

"WAY TOO EFFING enthusiastic about the subject material. Jumping around and screeching like a monkey in heat, is probably the best analogy i can make"
"This was their first time speaking...seemed as if they were nervous... Things went from bad to worse. Yet had index cards.. And would take turns speaking... Maybe in an effort to be organized but it came across as very robotic. They are AMAZING photographers... But Not so amazing in the speaking department. They are also genuinely great people.. From what I can tell... Not interested in becoming rockstars.. Just interested in photography..."

"I sincerely hope people do not use their platform class to reflect on their photography. They are two totally different things"
"their presentation was such a mess it was hard to follow...shame because I adore their work."


"Helpful, confident, entertaining, highly honest, motivating and moving"
"Cliff has real world experience and is a true pro. He even made several references to the crap speakers at wppi. He did plug his workshops, but announced it as a plug, gave the plug and then ended it quickly with an apology."
"Extensive variety in presentation of images built credibility. Instead of just showcasing 5 great images from the same event. Great use of light in images to demonstrate shooting technique. Didn't plug products--I didn't leave thinking I need to own that thing to be a better photographer. His work did leave me inspired to improve what I see."
"Very little plugging of products...gave away two bags and that was about it. Emphasized image quality and understanding of the technical aspects first and foremost. Great sense of humor."

"Told is straight, so entry-level people who don't know their gear might be offended. Which is good. If you don't know what you're doing, don't do it."

"I couldn't believe he didn't pack the room. Unreal. All the other photographers were at the women in photography thing happening. Probably the biggest mistake they made at the entire conference."
"He had some of the audience in tears at the end while he showed and explained his favorite recent images."


"Damon has a direct, humorous presentation style. He weaves joke and humor into his content"

"Not an appropriate session for an established professional, but just fine for someone who needs to learn how to light"


"Practical knowledge and proof of that knowledge given. Easy to listen to, high energy and genuinely nice people"


"Very Inspirational!"
"Very interesting to hear from a photographer who shoots only (primarily) in film"
"The difference between inspiration and imitation was stressed, along with the need to collaborate effectively with your subject."
"Most qualified in terms of experience and image quality"

"Lots of slideshows. We can see her work on her website."
"290,384,320,989,038,410,948 slideshows of her work, very little actual speaking about it, and for someone who shoots primarily with film. I want to hear about that"
"Used too many slideshows."
"She doesn't give ANY real/helpful/practical information unless asked. It's nice to be inspired but we're there to LEARN"
"IT WAS WAY WAY TOO HEAVY on self promotion. If I wanted to see her website I would've stayed in my room. I love her work and heard good things about her platforms from years past. This was NOT a good experience"


"hey gave VERY GOOD business advice on how to run a real business, how to track your budget, what you need to know to survive, hiring staff, sales, packages...a few photoshop tips! GOOD STUFF!!"

"long slideshow of their images. GAAAA!!!! 3 minutes would have been more than enough to show the kind of work they do...ended class with more photos that went on forever"


"Very passionate without being ridiculous. Clearly stated where she made mistakes & how she improved"
"She clearly has a family/children niche and an ability to market and sell with specific products. LOVE that she greeted everyone at the door"

"Maybe a little too oriented towards the 'Mom With A Camera' type"
"she was way too emotional, was crying about a story that we didn't even know yet. Seemed like the only trick up her sleeve was Millers cards"
"I left. Along with many others"


"well organized and confident"
"There were some good quotes he mentioned from other photographers."

"Very smug."
"I felt like he was condescending to this audience."

"said some things that were just absurd, like, 'photographers aren't artists. They are above artists. Whenever someone calls me an artist, I get offended because I'm better than that'...A lot of his presentation came from other photographers, like John Szarkowski. (In fact, I can't recall what part of his presentation was an original thought of his own). Really? You're just going to read someone else's book for your whole lecture? Couldn't you just email us the PDF and we could read it at our leisure? If there was one overall theme of his presentation it was that he was better than everyone because he had a masters degree. At one point he recommended taking 6 months off without picking up the camera to take any pictures at all. He suggested this because that's what he did at one point in his life and the day he picked up his camera after those 6 months, he was magically a better photographer than he had been before. Wait, did I hear him say these things to a group of hobby photographers in Witchita? No. This was at WPPI where working professionals go to find out how to make genuine improvements to their technique and business. this sounds very harsh. Now I am starting to feel bad about writing this."


"great speaker on blogging"

"should be teaching at a blogging convention on how to create an sensationalized online persona instead of at a photography convention."
"really not impressed with the values placed on materialism, fake ghetto fabulous persona, and fake sweetness. a bit over the top"
"Seems unsure about what she knows...repeatedly corrects herself before she even has said case she's wrong...over and over...talks like she doesn't want to be liable for her advice"
"comes off unoriginal...sounded like she memorized a church sermon or self help book"
"very disappointing...sounds sweet but comes off clueless more than as a confident pro"


"Best speaker EVER at any WPPI I have attended"
"She 'F-ing Rocked It'...No Rockstar bullshit to contend with. Inspired me on many different levels"

"She made me cry like a baby"


"Weird and inspiring all at the same time"
"Did not learn anything technical but I was inspired to make shoots with my clients more of an experience they will enjoy and never forget."

"first hour was extremely boring, but after about 90 minutes he got into the meat of the topic"

"I left when he started to sell his product at the end. Beloved is basically a fancy way of saying 'anytime shoot.' Not sure what the value is in buying his product."


"Genuine excitement for photography and his clients. Obviously in it for more than the money, and seems to really enjoy the process."

"Too many slideshows"
"Too many photos put me to sleep"


"John is the Photogzilla of WPPI speakers."


"Didn't just show us his work, say which famous person was in it, and show us the next photo. Took time to tell us why each photo looked that way. And how he achieved the look. The first class I didn't want to take a nap through, even after being awake for 26 hours"
"Excellent giveaways: (FIND workshops, film, RPL)"
"Jon honestly knows the business. He knows the difference between an f stop and a bus stop. Many people in the business don't have a technical clue. This guy really knows what he's talking about. He is also extremely humble."
"Honest, open and to the point. No BS."
"answers all questions, and is an open book"

"I wish there was more time in the class to continue on listening!"
"A few too many give aways. It's cool, because I got a pro pack of portra 220, but I don't like all the interruptions from the body of the discussion."
"Too short. I wish Jon had more time to keep talking."


"Actual advice from actual experience."
"stuff that could actually be applied"
"This kid is going places."

(none submitted)


"Fun, cheerful, and had a lot of great new ideas."

(none submitted)

"A lot of great tips in a short period of time."


"Loved her ideas and marketing tools and promos. Lots of information. Very honest"

Some of her tools were not relevant to me but I am sure others found them useful"


"Kevin Jairaj and JVS have two very different lighting styles and they both use different equipment so the presentation was full of different techniques to use in different situations. It was great to feel like I got more than my money's worth. Sort of a two for one. Two different lighting gurus for one low price :) JVS also showed us how to use two different lighting set-ups in the class"

" talked in very specific language about exposure settings. Beginning photographers would be in over their heads with the technical knowledge presented. Photographers not used to using Radio Poppers or Wizards to control strobes would get lost but those of us that know were mesmerized"


"She was energetic and enthusiastic"
"Excited to speak"

"Spent most of her time giving away stupid prizes and talking about promotions and then giving away the templates she had used. She spent very little time giving real information or useful suggestions on how to be profitable. It was annoying and I left after one hour."


"My favorite platform class of WPPI"
"Louis was genuine...great teacher, sharing valuable knowledge and information with...attendees"
"Very easy to understand and inspired me through his words and passion for photography.
"spoke from his heart, truly wanting to help the people sitting under him become better photographers. Two years in a row I have walked away from his presentations with laughs shared, tears shed, inspired, informed and changed"

"No cons!"
"would take his workshop in a heartbeat if more affordable"


"Personality was a bit odd...but delivers the goods in the end, very informative and enlightening"


"We left early due to the "Pretentious Attitude" of speaker. The $100K watch comment & who needed one followed by "I own one" had my wife darting for an exit"


"knew what he was talking about"
"was actually useful"

"don't like his hair"


"very meat and potatoes...lots of great tips and real-life advice"
"Not a single plug during his presentation. At the end he mention his website and that he will be doing workshops in the future and that was it. He was the only speaker who didn't whore a product. He didn't BS either, he said hard work and 'perfect' practice will get you success. I love how he dissected images to evaluate them and decide if the image is good or just mediocre. He had a chart that he uses in his evaluation for when he takes a photo and he also uses it when he judges the print competition"
"by far the most informative speaker at WPPI"



"Couldn't stay on track. Took WAY too many questions during the presentation and got derailed"

"This was absolutely the most valuable session I attended at WPPI 2011"


"She seemed down to earth, wasted NO time with a 'history of my career' speech and provided tons of useful info"
"Loved that she got to the point and made it practical!!"
"to the point, incredible speaker...shared relevant how to advice"

"Would have loved some info on post production - but with time given, probably wouldn't have been possible"
"I wish it was longer"

"Possibly my favorite speaker at WPPI this year - and one of the most helpful to my growth!"
"she was by far the best speaker at WPPI...she was organized and well spoken...her images are inspiring and I love that she is all about the images and not about being a rockstar"


As you can see, there are a pool of very good speakers at WPPI that are worth the price of admission. And there's also piss in the pool. So avoid those piss-poor speakers.

Hope you enjoyed this little cheat sheet. Have fun at WPPI. Party hard. Drink up. Cheers.

If you have your official Photogzilla T-Shirt...Wear it. And keep your eyes peeled.
Photogzilla will be wearing his at WPPI 2012.
So if you see someone passed out in the MGM's probably him...if you're a hot girl, give him mouth to mouth. All others...get him a bottle of water.

Keep Stalking Photogzilla

Survey was available for the following speakers and compiled painstakingly with the data provided by participants. Not all speakers were responded to. Maybe for the 2012 survey...if there is one. This was a pain in the ass to compile. So appreciate it. And buy Photogzilla a drink when you see his sexy ass:
Bobbi & Mike, Lindsay Adler, Suzette Allen, Kevin Ames, Jared Bauman, Becker, Jules Bianchi & Joy Bianchi Brown, Clay Blackmore, Gary & Pamela Box, Sue Bryce, Joe Buissink, Jonathan Canlas, Bambi Cantrell, David & Quin Cheung, Sal Cincotta, Bob & Dawn Davis, Jack Davis, Jesh DeRox, Jerry Deck & Sondra Ayers, JP Elario, Nancy Emmerich & Rose Coleman, Kay Eskridge, Rick Ferro, Deanne Fitzmaurice, Beth Forester, Mike Fulton & Cody Clinton, Jim Garner, Jerry Ghionis, Greg Gibson, Michael Gilbert, Doug Gordon, Mitch Graf, Michael Grecco, Michael Greenberg, Jason Groupp, Craig Heidermann, Gene Ho, Bruce & Josh Hudson, Jennifer Hudson, Vincent Isola, Kevin Jairaj & JVS, Andrew Jenkins & Jackie Palmer, Kenny Kim, Julieanne Kost, Kevin Kubota, Jill LaFleur, Tamara Lackey, Mike Larson, Lisa Lefkowitz, Rodney Lough Jr., Justin & Mary Marantz, Cliff Mautner, David McLain, Elizabeth Messina, John Mireles, Dave Montizambert, Patrick & Amina Moreau, Lori Nordstrom, Bryan O'Neil Hughes, Louis Pang, Jessie Pavlics, Sarah Petty, Blair & Suzanne Phillips, Jared Platt, Me Ra Koh, Jamie Schultz, Dawn Shields, Ken Sklute, Brian Smith, Jasmine Star, Susan Stripling, Jeffrey T. Medford & Ross Hockrow, Eddie Tapp, Vicki Taufer, Damon Tucci, Roberto Valenzuela, Anthony Vazquez, Jose Villa, Kirk Voclain, Alan Weiner, Ron Wyatt

Monday, February 6, 2012

Photogzilla Found. Living Like A Rockstar. With A Hangover.

We found Photogzilla!

Hello kids. It's been a while. Apparently, he was going for a sexy world record for the longest April Fool's joke. We think it's safe to say he won. Or still. Wait for it. Winning.

If you recall, this was the short message we got from him a while back: "All. Plz forgiv me. Really tired now. I'm sorry. Lost my way. Finished w/all this. Over it. Onto bettr things. Lov u all. See ya."

Do you see it? Come on you smart cookies you. Of course you did. Or did the highlights help?

So damn sexy. 

Our staff went on a cruise around the world as our sexy chief minded his world record. But we're excited to be back. There's nothing quite like ripping new ones for the delusional of the photog world. And watching them tremble in the fetal position.

So you can imagine many of the pretender pop-togs were somewhat relieved to think PZ had left the building. But those morons are the ones that benefit from the above highlighted message more than ever.

We did lose some of our staff writers on our world cruise. Most fell overboard (pushed or just drunk). Others found drug trafficking careers at some of our port stops. So our sexy editor-in-chief Photogzilla is hiring without pay. You're invited to write anything that PZ would want to publish here on the PZN. He's not going to write the damn thing for you. Maybe just edit it. But it make hot. Make it worth his time. 

Of course. Photogzilla will be putting up his own run-away-sentences-with-plenty-of-he-doesn't-give-a-shit-about-grammar posts. So keep your eyes peeled. Goodtimes a'comin. Just not for all. For instance, a self publishing buttress pusher.

Photogzilla and the staff is also packing for WPPI. For some AA meetings. Maybe you'll see us with our official PZ T-shirts.

So email us your juicy news to photogzilla {AT} gmail {DOT} com in the meantime.

Cheers! (Yeah, we picked this up in Quebec)

Keep Twitter Stalking Photogzilla!
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